How It Started


It all started as a child for me. Around the age of 8-9 years old I would chose to be stuck in my room learning how to braid on my Bratz. Because I’m such a Bratz type of girl, Yazmine helped me excel my braiding practices with learning how to become better at my skill. She took many tosses across my room out of frustration but in the end helped me advance in my qualifications and expertise. Knowing around the age of 12 years old that I wanted to do hair and learn more about how the hair industry worked, I started doing my own hair along with my younger sisters and mothers hair. By the time I reached high school, I gained relationships with most of my peers with them allowing me to continue my practices on them. Creating customized braids on a number of athletes, cheerleaders, friends and family.

Graduating high school in 2010, I decided not to hold myself back and enrolled into cosmetology school. Having a personal life, I got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful daughter at age 18, but that didn’t stop me at all. I graduated cosmetology school with my daughter on my arm in 2011 and hadn’t looked back since. Maybe occasionally for golden memories but I told myself that the rearview didn’t show the bigger picture I was looking for so I kept my eyes on the road and just kept going.


The Impact


Passion of Why?